Alternative Benefit Sharing Arrangements for Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources

We would like you to take on the role of a biology-based research scientist who has recently been awarded a $5 million grant to develop an aquaculture breeding programme for Green-lipped Mussels. This project will enable better control of desirable characteristics (i.e., mussel survival, appearance, taste, or tolerance to warmer water). Green-lip mussels (kūtai) are a culturally significant taonga species to Indigenous communities in Aotearoa NZ and an important part of the local seafood industry.

Data responsibility

We would like you to take on the role of a biology-based research scientist who has recently been awarded a $5 million grant to develop an aquaculture breeding programme for Green-lipped Mussels. This project will enable better control of desirable characteristics (i.e., mussel survival, appearance, taste, or tolerance to warmer water). Green-lip mussels (kūtai) are a culturally significant taonga species to Indigenous communities in Aotearoa NZ and an important part of the local seafood industry.

Benefit sharing compliance regime

You should assume that the Digital Sequence Information (DSI) you require has been included in the Nagoya Protocol for Fair and Equitable Benefit Sharing from Genetic Resources. Benefits go to Indigenous people and local communities.